Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bento for the sick girl

Pirate's booty with Apple and Peanut Butter
So, went to go make the bento I said I would. And as I got in the kitchen I started feeling really sick. I decided to make a small snack bento and have a meal when I am feeling better.
In my snack bento I have Pirate's booty and an apple with two cups of peanut butter. I love peanut butter. And, yes I did eat all of it. Humping bunny's coming soon, I swear.


So, this is the first pic of a bento I have. I'm very, very sorry(for the bunny's humping) .
I was for my birthday, 03/08, and my whole family made bentos.
So, top left going clockwise. Carrots, Blackberries and...something, Bunny shaped egg, fruit leather bunny's on top of homemade trail mix and lastly grilled cheese. Hopefully with spinach in it! 
I'm now completely wheat gluten-free. The one thing I miss the most? Spinach grilled cheese's.
Later today, maybe, I will post my first real gluten-free bento. 
And at some point I'll show you my bento stuffs.
I'm going to try to post one bento a day. The point of this whole thing is to fix my diet. After I became Gluten-free my diet went to hell.  And I'm really working hard trying to fix it. Later. ;)
Oh, by the way, I'm not really sorry. You will see more bunny's humping, its what they do.